Thursday, 14 July 2011

A quick update...

Ahhh, the wonders of modern technology!

This morning I have learned how to import/export posts etc from one blog to another, so I moved the existing posts about my Phoenix Trading business from my other blog ( to this one so that they are all together. This means, unfortunately, that the first few posts appear out of sync thanks to my "Welcome" post, but I am happy to leave it that way.

As far as Phoenix Trading is concerned, I have been busy putting brochures out (150 last week, just over 100 this week so far) and have had my biggest single order so far... for £43.40!! It was great opening up a brochure and finding an order of that size! So my previous single order record of £25.00 lasted about 10 days... I wonder if it would be possible to get a bigger order from one customer than the new record? I will be collecting the brochures I put out yesterday on Saturday, so I only have a couple of days to wait!

In addition to putting brochures out I have had a couple more trader enquiries - via the Freepost cards! I also have a selection of baskets now which I will be filling with samples etc for "Book People" type drops at offices etc. There is a massive British Gas call centre not far from where I live so I'm going to see if I can get into there!

One of my upline peeps (Julia Leahy) gave me a great tip the other day regarding schools and getting both orders AND trader enquiries... Approach the school's PTA chair with regards providing every pupil with a drop bag containing a catalogue, samples etc. Put an info letter in there explaining that a percentage of the order value will go to the school funds, and instructions for the parents to send the payment in with the order by a certain date! Bearing in mind that the new Christmas supplement is about to come out (£16/100) we are fast approaching the time when focus should be shifting slightly in favour of promoting the Christmas stock.

My plan is to approach the PTA's of the primary schools in Stockport now so I can get whatever I need ready during the school holidays, then aim to have all the packs out with the children and back into the school again before the half term holidays. When the children return after half term their orders will be ready for collection!

Something I noticed on the July Newsletter is that the price of the Organiser Boxes is dropping from £15.00 to £10.00 - and they make great presents! Another possible best seller for Christmas?

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