Friday, 8 July 2011

A Welcome Note...

Welcome to the online home of my personal Phoenix Trading blog.

It is here that you will find details of what I have been up to with my new venture, and facts and figures regarding those activities.

I originally started posting Phoenix related info on my other blog, Write Direction, but I decided that I need to keep my two businesses seperate.

For those of you who haven't yet visited my other blog, a bit of background information on the start of my Phoenix adventure.

I joined the company on 20th June 2011, having had information sent to me around nine months earlier. At the time I received the initial information pack I wasn't really ready to join, as I didn't feel I could commit to it as fully as I would have liked. Thankfully, my sponsor, Elaine, didn't forget me, and sent new supplements as they came out, the most recent being the Summer 2011 supplement, along with an info sheet on the £30 registration/business kit. It took a few more weeks, but when I finally had the time to sit and read the information Elaine had sent to me, I saw the potential Phoenix had as a source of income for me, and within days I had received my business kit!

Since then I have done a school fair, bought 150 brochures etc to put out in rounds I put together using Google maps, delivered, along with my husband and daughter, in excess of 2000 flyers, had one person join my team, and several trader enquiries via the freepost cards. I have also bought enough sample cards (only 10p each!) to fill several baskets, which I will be placing with local businesses.

The area in which I live, (Stockport in Cheshire) is relatively un-touched by Phoenix Trading, with only around 30 agents in total, therefore the potential for growth both on the retailing side of the business AND team development opportunities are phenomenal! There has, in my opinion, never been a better time to start a venture such as this, therefore I intend to make the most of it!

If you would like a free brochure, or if you would like more information on becoming a Trader, please send me an email with your Name and Address on it and I will get the information send out to you. Alternatively, you can visit Phoenix Trading and see more information there. Don't forget, Phoenix Trading is an international company with traders in Australia, America and France as well as the UK!

Until next time,


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